출처:경주문화관광 홈페이지
관람시간: 09:00 ~ 22:00
관람료 : 무료
주차정보: 월정교 공영주차장 (교동 153-5, 무료) 이용
- Summary information
Admission: Free
Parking information: Use Woljeonggyo Public Parking Lot (153-5, Gyo-dong, free)
- Detailed information
The name Woljeonggyo Bridge was known through the record in <Samguk Sagi> in the 19th year of King Gyeongdeok of the Unified Silla, "Woljeonggyo Bridge and Chunyanggyo Bridge were built in Muncheon, south of the palace."
All restoration was completed in April 2018 by conducting a 10-year investigation, historical evidence, and restoration of what was lost and lost during the Joseon Dynasty.
In 2013, the restoration of the bridge was completed first, and after that, the gate towers on both sides of the bridge were completed. On the second floor of the gate tower, there is an exhibition hall where you can see videos and excavated artifacts containing the restoration process of the bridge.
It is good to see the shape of Woljeonggyo Bridge during the day, and Woljeonggyo Bridge at night attracts us with another charm.
Let's look at Woljeonggyo Bridge from the stepping-stone bridge in front of Woljeonggyo Bridge. You can hold Woljeonggyo Bridge that shines softly on the river.
경주 교촌마을 가기위해 건너야 하는 월정교를 주변으로 버스킹 하는 분들도 많아서 야경 기다리는 동안 지루하지 않았습니다.
There were many people busking around Woljeonggyo Bridge, which they had to cross to go to Gyocheon Village in Gyeongju, so it was not boring while waiting for the night view.
낮에본 월정교의 물은 깨끗하지는 않은것 같습니다. 저녁이 되면 강으로 월정교가 비치는 사진이 너무 아릅답습니다.
It doesn't seem to have clean water is of this woljeonggyo in the day.
In the evening, the river so beautiful, full of photos seen as the woljeonggyo
This is a picture of the entrance to Woljeonggyo Bridge. 월정교로 들어가는 입구사진 입니다.
There are so many tourists visiting Woljeonggyo Bridge.월정교를 찾는 관광객들이 정말 많습니다.
월정교 내부사진 , 월정교는 야간에 더 아름답고 , 월정교 야경을 보러 온 관광객들이 어두워 질 때까지
앉아서 기다리는 분들이 많이 보였습니다.
The picture inside Woljeonggyo Bridge, Woljeonggyo Bridge is more beautiful at night, and tourists who came to see the night view of Woljeonggyo Bridge until dark
I saw a lot of people sitting and waiting.
월정교에서 계단으로 2층을 올라가면 월정교의 역사, 만들어진 과정을 볼 수 있습니다.
If you go up the second floor from Woljeonggyo Bridge to the stairs, you can see the history and process of Woljeonggyo Bridge.
월정교 2층에서 볼 수 있는 신라의 도시 계획을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 신라의 왕경도 입니다.
This is Wanggyeongdo Island of Silla,
here you can see the city plan of Silla on the second floor of Woljeonggyo Bridge.
저는 비가오고 날씨가 좋지 않아서 완벽하게 실제의 광경을 담지는 못했지만 밤의 월정교는 정말 아름답습니다.
시간 여유가 되시는 분들은 늦은시간 방문을 해보는 건 어떨까 싶습니다~
경주여행 월정교 경주 밤데이트로 추천드립니다.
I couldn't capture the real scene perfectly because of the rain and bad weather, but Woljeonggyo Bridge at night is really beautiful.
If you have time, why don't you visit at a late time?
I recommend it as a Gyeongju night date on Woljeonggyo Bridge.
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